Be more present in the moment

Our everyday lives consist of many tasks, demands and expectations. Many people feel they don’t have enough time. With all this external input craving your attention, taking the time to prioritize activities that bring you joy is a great thing to do.

To be able to pay attention and be present, physically or mentally, requires that we are willing to give of our time. Often we have to choose, and every choice involves choosing not to do something.

Take time to be present, time to reflect and think.

As we become more aware of things happening around us, we will also notice more details. You will have a better opportunity to observe and become more aware of how you feel, or whether someone is in pain or having a difficult time.

  • Spend your time with others and show them that you care. It strengthens bonds and improve your quality of life.
  • Take time to listen to others – do not just rush off when you ask how they are.
  • Do something nice for others. The joy of pleasing others gives a good feeling, and does good for your own mental health.
  • Set aside time for yourself and be more aware how you are feeling. You will learn more about yourself, and be more aware of what makes you happy, what gives you energy, and what you want to do more of.

Practice to be more present

This exercise helps you to be more present here and now. You can do this exercise anywhere, but feel free to take the time to go for a walk. Fresh air and being active can reduce stress, increase energy levels and have a positive effect on both quality of life and sleep.

Here’s how:

  • Allow 5 minutes. Take time to stop.
  • Notice what’s around you. Use your senses, see and listen.
  • Notice shades such as light, shadows or colors.
  • Take the time to spend time. Use your camera and feel free to take a picture from a different angle than you normally do.
  • Feel the joy of taking your time. Know what it does to you.

You can use Mindfit to log your experiences. It will enhance the feeling.

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